Interested in Selling or Buying in Wolvercote?
Having experienced the days of ‘lock-down’ and being caught between the wish to be in a City and the wish for a more ‘rural life’, WOLVERCOTE offers the ideal solution for Potential Buyers!
Wolvercote is classed as a village but is still part of the City of Oxford. Situated approximately 3 miles northwest of the City Centre, on the northern edge of Wolvercote Common, also north of Port Meadow and which adjoins the River Thames.
Avid viewers of the Morse television series will remember ‘The Wolvercote Tongue’ episode (1987) which featured the renowned Trout Inn, a well know hostelry in the area! The village shop provides for all the day to day needs of residents.
Beautiful open spaces tempt buyers into the village which extols a vibrant ‘community spirit’ with various activities taking place throughout the year such as school fairs, art weeks, plays, horticultural shows, apple day and the famous Wolvercote & Wytham Summer Festival.
Listed as Ulfgarcote in The Doomsday Book of 1086 but later changed to Wolvercote in 1185, this attractive village was known for Geese rearing, hence the goose remains one of the village symbols.
The western edge of Upper Wolvercote parallels the Oxford Canal at Wolvercote Green and fades into North Oxford suburbia to the east. Lower Wolvercote borders the River Thames at Godstow to the west and Port Meadow and the canal to the east.
Buyers are attracted to Wolvercote because of its diverse selection of properties some of which date back to Saxon times right up to the present day with the conversion by Cala Homes of the Wolvercote Paper Mill into more contemporary properties.
A special note for all the potential purchasers out there...if you are looking for a new hobby that will keep you fit there is always the Wolvercote Morris founded in 2006 with the Morris Dancers leading a colourful parade every year through the village to the annual church fete.
So if you are lucky enough to own a property in Wolvercote and are thinking of selling, do give me a call for a NO OBLIGATION Market Appraisal Tel: 01865 554422.