Oxford Private Rented Homes License Scheme
Currently 49.3% (30,500) of all homes in Oxford are privately rented, with an average rent of £1,450 for a three bedroom property. Compared to the £800 average in England as a whole.
Under the current regulations only houses in multiple occupation (HMOs) require a license in order to ensure the property is fit and suitable for the number of occupants. HMOs make up less than 15% of all rented homes in Oxford.
The commencement of the new ‘selective licensing scheme’ means that all private rented properties will require a license to ensure they are safe, well maintained and well managed. It is also required for landlords to show compliance by being a ‘fit and proper person’ and meeting the council’s waste and disposal procedures.
Oxford Private Rented Homes License Scheme
by Amir Courdkhalag - Lettings Department